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Miller For California
August 18: Jonathan Miller was featured in a front-page article in the San Mateo Daily Journal newspaper today. Jonathan wants to return California to a position of leadership and pride. Click here to read the article.

August 16: Jonathan appeared on the front page of the Fremont Argus newspaper today. He discussed his plans for solar power and desalination to support future growth, minimize our impact on the environment, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy challenged America to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. America rallied behind this noble goal with determination and pride, and we acquired a lead in space technology that has helped sustain our technological prowess for decades thereafter.
In 2003, Jonathan Miller challenges California to adopt solar energy as our primary source of electricity before the end of this decade. In doing so, we will establish ourselves as the global leader in sustainable energy and set the standard for environmentally sensitive growth for decades to come.

Fellow Californians,

I’m not running for Governor of California to promote myself. And I’m not running to promote any political party or special interest group. I’m running for Governor to promote the long term interests of all the citizens of this great state. I’m running for governor because I want to restore pride and leadership to California.

Everyone is talking about our budget problems, as well as a host of other issues. Yes, these problems are significant, and yes, we will solve them, regardless of who is elected. But there are even larger problems lying ahead. Soon California will face two great obstacles that will prevent our continued growth, harm our environment, and threaten our economic as well as personal security. We face shortages of energy and water that will, if unsolved, radically impact our quality of life and our ability to prosper.

In 1961, President Kennedy challenged America to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Accomplishing this feat made America justly proud, and it gave us lasting leadership in so many areas, including space science, satellite communications, meteorology, GPS navigation, and military intelligence. These things changed our lives in ways we couldn’t imagine at the time, and we achieved these goals because we didn’t back down from challenge, we didn’t give in to fear of the unknown, and we didn’t take no for an answer. Instead, we tapped into the pioneer spirit that has made this country great, and we rose to the occasion to accomplish a feat that was previously known only in dreams.

Today, I have a new dream, a new vision for California and the world. I have a dream to take one more giant leap for mankind. It’s time to put the spirit of California back into action, to show the rest of the world how to live in harmony with our environment without sacrificing the quality of life that we are privileged to enjoy in the Golden State.

Today, I challenge California to generate the majority of our electricity through solar power before the end of this decade, and to acquire the majority of our water from the sea by 2020. Converting to solar power will make us the world leader in responsible power generation that doesn’t harm the environment or provide opportunities for terrorist attack, and it will give us all the energy we need to fuel future economic growth. Turning away from the Colorado River and to the ocean instead will give us all the water we need for agricultural, industrial, and domestic use. Combining these two goals together results in a new blueprint for society: a formula for long-term economic prosperity that respects the environment.

In the 1890s the Industrial Revolution changed lives in America and the world for the better. Now it’s time for a new revolution – a Resource Revolution – that will allow not just California but the entire world to experience continued growth, while living side by side with our environment and experiencing greater security.

We can have the robust economy and quality of life we all want without the environmental damage and global political instability that go hand in hand with fossil fuels and nuclear power. And we can have all the water we need without draining our rivers and starving our farmlands. By accepting my solar power and desalination challenge, California will stand tall and proud, and we will set an example of environmentally responsible economic growth that the entire world will follow. What could be a more noble goal than that?

My campaign is about our future – not just the future of California, but the future of all America, and indeed the world. Because California is a world leader in so many respects. When California acts, the world takes notice. With 34 million people and an economy of $1.5 trillion, we are a social, economic, and political powerhouse. In areas like technology, social progress, and environmental protection, we lead, and the world follows.

That’s why this election is so important. What we decide on October 7, 2003 won’t just affect us for the next few years, it will affect all the world for decades to come. In the Golden State, we have a Golden Opportunity now to act with vision and purpose to build the future we all want.

Let’s do it.

Vote NO On Recall!

The California Recall Election is an attempt to deflect our attention away from the true cause of our problems: The misguided priorities and actions of the Bush Administration. The problems we face today – job loss, slow economy, budget deficits, homeland security, environmental damage, and immigration – have their roots in the failed policies of the White House. Don’t be fooled by claims that California is unique and that Gray Davis has brought these problems upon us. Our whole country is in trouble, and it’s because of George Bush and his reckless tax cuts, unjustified war, and dismal record on the economy and the environment. California is part of the US and is affected by decisions made at the national level. If we want to see improvement in California, we need to start by demanding responsible decisions and actions from our Congress and President.

My Priorities For California

Fiscal Responsibility
We need to manage our finances responsibly by setting priorities, keeping expenditures in line with forecast revenues, and long-term planning. We cannot continue to grow government at the pace we have seen in the past few years. Nor can we simply spend all our revenues as soon as we receive them, without looking to the future and saving for a rainy day. A sound long-term budget policy is the key to fiscal health, which will provide a solid foundation for progress in other areas of our society.

Economic Progress
Economic success is fundamental to our quality of life. We must ensure that California remains a desirable place to do business, and that we provide meaningful educational and employment opportunities to citizens and newcomers at every level of society. California derives a large share of its income from exports. Our proximity to the Asia-Pacific region gives us an advantage in foreign trade with that region. I support policies that will enable the expansion of foreign trade to improve California's economy.

Social Progress
California leads the US in social thinking and initiatives. Because of our size and our progressive and multifaceted population, we have had and will continue to have a dramatic impact on quality of life for all Americans. I support continued progress on social issues to keep California the leader on the social agenda. I believe that education is the key to a successful and advanced society. I am a strong supporter of abortion rights and anti-discrimination laws.

Resource Independence
The key to a thriving and financially sound economy is an adequate supply of natural resources. America has achieved economic success in large part due to our incredible abundance of minerals, timber, water, and farmland. But today California faces shortages in both water and energy that will prevent future growth. As we all know, it was the events surrounding the recent electricity shortages that were a primary contributor to California's current budget problems. In addition, we are now battling with four other states and the Federal government over allocation of water from the Colorado River. I support the development of a long-term resource plan that includes solar power generation and desalination. This will give us increased political and economic independence and provide an abundant supply of electricity and water to fuel future growth in California. In addition, I understand that environmental protection and sustainable resource utilization are fundamental to our economic security and quality of life, so I support continued protection of our environment and consideration of environmental concerns at all levels of government planning.