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Miller For California

Who is Jonathan Miller?

  • First generation American, recognizing the value of American ideals to people around the world.
  • Raised in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BS Computer Science 1984.
  • Founder and President of Diamond Systems Corp., a manufacturer of embedded computers with worldwide sales.
  • Centrist Democrat: pro-people, pro-business, pro-environment.
Jonathan in the lab at Diamond Systems

Family background

Jonathan is the son of Canadian immigrants to the US. His grandparents in turn came to Canada from Poland and the Ukraine in the early 1900s. His grandfather Benny risked his life to flee persecution by crossing a half-frozen river at night with his friends. At the other side, they were arrested and thrown into jail. Luckily, Benny had planned ahead and had money sewn into his coat. He bribed the guard to leave the cell door unlocked, and one night he and his friends escaped and made their way to the West. Along the way, he met his future wife Clara and fell in love. Upon arrival in Montreal, he worked to earn money to pay for her seafare over to be with him in the New World. Jonathan's parents in turn came to the US to attend University and start a new life. With this family history, Jonathan understands just how much the ideals of Western democracy mean to people all over the world. Jonathan will fight tirelessly to defend our precious freedoms and liberties.


Jonathan spent his youth in Nashville, Tennessee. He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated in 1984 with a BS in Computer Science. At MIT, Jonathan acquired valuable problem solving and creative thinking skills that have since been the hallmark of his life. He held various technical jobs before finally starting his own computer company, Diamond Systems, in 1989. In 1991 Jonathan came to Silicon Valley to take advantage of its excellent engineering talent, proximity of technology vendors, and quality of life. Today Diamond Systems is an innovative, growing, and profitable vendor of embedded computer boards to a wide range of industrial customers around the world. The company, which was started with only $2,000, will achieve sales of approximately $6 million in 2003 and has no debt. The average salary at Diamond Systems is more than twice the California average.

Jonathan resides in San Mateo, on the San Francisco Peninsula. His company is located in Newark, in the East Bay of the Bay Area.

This is Jonathan's first campaign for public office.